Call: (02) 4304 1333
Car Accident or Workplace Injury
If you find yourself injured due to a workplace incident or car accident, Reliance Health is here to help you get back on your feet. We know that the process can be stressful and we aim to make the experience as easy as we can.
Our practices are fully equipped with an extensive range of treatment rooms that are capable of managing both acute and subacute injuries.
Patients who have been injured will have access to a range of professional medical personnel in Reliance Health, including General Practitioners, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. This ensures our patients can receive the appropriate treatment they need for their injury conveniently under one roof, and helps ensure a swift recovery with optimal outcomes.
Reliance Health doctors are experts at getting patients who have been injured at work or in a car accident back to work as soon as possible (and as soon as it is safe to do so). The doctors are professionals, and are happy to contact your return to work coordinator to discuss your injury, working together to figure out whether alternative or more appropriate duties are possible for you while you recover.
Please inform our reception staff upon your arrival if your injury was caused by a workplace incident or car accident.
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Book online or call us today on (02) 4304 1333
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